MC Sampling packages

An incomplete listing of potentially useful Python packages that perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo or otherwise do Monte Carlo sampling and/or evidence calculation:

Code Algorithm Bonus link
Cobaya accelerated Metropolis, nested sampling
dynesty nested sampling
emcee Goodman-Weare paper
kombine briefly tempered Metropolis-Hastings paper
lmc Metropolis-Hastings, Goodman-Weare
MultiNest nested sampling papers 1 2
pymc Metropolis-Hastings
pymc3 Metropolis-Hastings, HMC
PyStan HMC
UltraNest nested sampling

For R users, there are numerous options on CRAN, but we list only a couple that we know or have heard of being used:

Code Algorithm Bonus link
rgw Goodman-Weare CRAN
LaplacesDemon many CRAN

Gibbs samplers that analyze models to determine conjugacy relations (some have Python/R interfaces):

Gibbs samplers specifically for linear regression:

Code Language multiple $x$'s multiple $y$'s
linmix_err IDL no no
mlinmix_err IDL yes no
linmix Python no no
lrgs R, Python yes yes