
Notes and materials for Week 3

Topics covered:

Data analysis topics

This week we are going to be discussing how to interpret and estimate measurement uncertainties.

The statistical technique that will well cover is uncertainty propagation.

These topics are covered in chapters 3 and 4 of: “Measurements and Their Uncertainties : A Practical Guide to Modern Error Analysis” which is available online via the Stanford bookstore. You don’t need to read those chapters, but you may find them a useful reference, and they present the material in a somewhat different way than we will be presenting it, which you might find more intuitive.

Scientific context and resources

We will also be measuring the area of the desk or table that we are working at using a rather complicated (and inaccurate) technique that captures some of the difficulty in measuring the Hubble constant, and in particular the “distance ladder” that is used to calibrate the distances to faraway galaxies.

We will also briefly mention the gamma-ray pulsar, Vela, which we will be seeing more of next week.

Python functions reference

We will not be using a lot of new python functions this week. Here are the important ones that we will be using.

Function Name What it does
numpy.std Compute the standard deviation of the values in an array
numpy.var Compute the variance of the values in an array
numpy.random.normal Generate random numbers from a normal or ‘Gaussian’ distribution
array.size return the number of elements in an array
array.shape return the shape of an array, i.e., arrays can have more that one dimension and this function tells you the shape of the array. The size of the array is the product of the size of all the axes of the array
plt.imshow Plot a 2-dimensional array of values as a color image
plt.colorbar Attach an color axes label to a figure
plt.legend Attach a legend to a figure