
Notes about the package I set up.

Package contents

Here are the things that I put into the package. It took about 45’ to set this up.

Package boilerplate provided by git

1.  LICENSE: I just picked one from the menu git provided
2. README.md:  auto-generated, at some point we could add a bit of info here
3. .gitignore: tells git which files to ignore, I picked a template, then added a few lines


I put these in the nb directory. It’s pretty straightforward.

1. orig_nb.ipynb: the original notebook I started from
2. new_nb.ipynb: the version of the notebook I came up

Python code

I put this in the piff_syst_plots directory, as that is the name I wanted to give the the package.

1. core.py: the core classes to keep track of plots made
2. label.py: class to keep plot labels consistent
3. funcs.py: utility functions that are used in making the plots
4. plotters.py: classes that actually make the plots

Because we want to keep track of the version of the code running, I used a mechanism provided py the setup tools to write a version file _version.py. Since that file gets autogenerated by the tools I added it to the .gitignore file so it doesn’t get tracked by git.

5. __init__.py: this just imports the `version` from the autogenerated `_version.py` file.

Data area

I put the test data in the data folder.

1. piff_sample_cat.fits: a small catalog with some test data

Command line scripts

I made a bin area for command line scripts:

1 piff_syst_plots: a script to generate plots

setup.py file

We use this to build the package using pip. It include a few particular things:

1.   Declaring where the code lives and what the python package is called:

package_data={"": ["README.md", "LICENSE", "*.npy"]},

2.  Stuff for the version tracking

setup_requires=['setuptools_scm', 'setuptools_scm_git_archive'],
use_scm_version={"write_to": "piff_syst_plots/_version.py"},

3.  The command line script


4.  The dependencies:



I made a docs area, and used the mechanism that github provides to turn that into this web documentation.

Using the package

The idea here is that when you want to add a new plot, all you have to do is make a class that inherits from piff_syst_plots.Plotter and that implements a couple of things, here is an example:

class PlotStarsPerCCD(Plotter):
	"""Plot rough histogram of nstars/CCD

    The 'factor' parameter accounts the fact that we are making this plot with
	the reserve stars, which are typically 20% of the total,  Thus the default value of 5.

    default_config = dict(
		figsize=(12, 8),

    def _make_plot(self, cat):
		fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.config["figsize"])
         _, nstars = np.unique(
             np.stack((cat["EXPNUM"], cat["CCDNUM"]), axis=1), axis=0, return_counts=True
         plt.hist(nstars * self.config["factor"], bins=self.config["nbins"])
         return fig

This includes 4 things:

1.  Declaration of the class,  and that it inherits from `Plotter`
2.  Docstring, which describes the plot being made
3.  Dictionary of configuration parameters and their default values
4.  Function to actually make the plot.

I think that is pretty much the minimum amount of stuff that we could expect the user to provide.

Something to note, because I used the __init_subclass__ method to keep track of all the Plotter classes, so I don’t have to do anything else to make the rest of the code aware of the plotter.